Chattanooga newborn photographer

Welcome Isabella | Chattanooga Birth Photographer

By Melody Hood / October 1, 2013 / Comments Off on Welcome Isabella | Chattanooga Birth Photographer

I capture all kinds of Birth Stories – some are routine, some are planned and go according to the plan, others don’t.  Isabella’s Birth Story is one of those that started out simply and ended up with a happy ending, but the path wasn’t what Momma thought she’d be taking when the journey began. And…

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Welcome Avery | Chattanooga Birth Photographer

By Melody Hood / September 26, 2013 / Comments Off on Welcome Avery | Chattanooga Birth Photographer

Avery’s birth story is one of my favorites.  Avery’s momma contacted me when she was juuuuuust barely pregnant; she wanted me to work with them to do a session to announce their pregnancy and then again to announce the gender of their much-anticipated first baby.  We later did a maternity session and began talking about…

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What to Expect During Your Newborn Session – Chattanooga Newborn Photography

By Melody Hood / September 10, 2013 / 2 Comments

Newborn photography is a special discipline within portraiture that not every photographer can do well – it is about so much more than a technical knowledge of photography and lighting and having the right equipment.  It requires patience and confidence.  It requires an intimate understanding of a newborn’s world – and the world they’ve spent…

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Roman Hamilton: 8 Days New | Chattanooga Newborn Photographer

By Melody Hood / July 15, 2013 / Comments Off on Roman Hamilton: 8 Days New | Chattanooga Newborn Photographer

Newborns are amazing little people with incredibly distinct personalities.  Sweet little Roman is no exception; he was extremely relaxed and easy-going, content to be warm and snuggled.  I just love his hair and his long little monkey toes.  I couldn’t get enough of his precious expressions and perfectly formed features! I was blessed to be…

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