Man Photography – Portraits of Men in all Their Manliness
Man photography. Lately I’ve been intrigued with portraits of men. Something about the way they act like they don’t want their picture made, but you know they really do. They’ve made a life to be proud of and they have these hopes and ideas down inside them that they never really get to explore because they’re too busy with life. I guess you could say it’s kind of like when little girls dress up as princesses. Deep down, she knows she is a princess, and she finally gets to show the world. Well… here it’s a little different with beards, tattoos, and lots of other manly things. Back down to their roots of survival, gruff, “no pain, no gain”, dirty finger nails, hard labor, ingenuity, perseverance and taking pride in what they do. These two guys are your normal, hardworking, strong, awesome family-men. They’ve got some personality for sure and I had the pleasure of capturing it! We get to see men being loving husbands and playful daddies all the time. It’s fun to see a different side sometimes.
This fella’s tattoo artist wanted a couple shots of his artwork… I ran with it!
Does life get any better than smoking a pipe in the back of a dusty old Mercedes in a pair of suspenders?
Looks like he’s on lunch break to me. Got to love a hardworking man!
While the first guy was on lunch break from his back-breaking job, the one below is out killing our dinner!
How about them handlebars?!
Why, yes, now that you ask, I am a little chilly. No, I sure wouldn’t mind if you went and chopped some wood for me. I like your beard (face sweater). The blustery cold snow is no match.
This one ^ is my husband. *Smiles*
Thanks, fellas, for giving us something fun to look at. I hope I can continue capturing the things we ladies can appreciate in men. Man photography. Stuff that’s just manly. Which makes me think maybe my next post needs to involve diapers and dishes… hmmm…
Thanks for stopping by!
Amanda Lovelace
Your Chattanooga Photographer