
Welcome Lennon AND Lawson | Chattanooga Birth Photographer

There is so much about Lennon and Lawson’s birth that astounds me… I don’t really know where to begin with their story, except in the beginning – over a year ago.  Possibly two.

Meredith contacted me a long time ago to tell me she and her husband were praying for a baby and that they were trying and didn’t know when it would happen, but that when it did, they wanted me to photograph their belly, their birth and the baby.

Before there was even a baby?!?  I don’t know that I’ve ever been paid such a tremendous compliment.  So I got her signed up, promising that no matter what my schedule looked like, there would be room for her family when the time came.

And I waited.  And prayed.  And hoped…

…And then she wrote me with the news that there was a positive test!  And I was ecstatic!

…And then she told me there were two heartbeats!  I knocked over my chair with excitement when I stood up and cheered for her – I have a set of twins myself and it always thrills me when other sets of twins come into my life – because it’s an amazing, amazing journey.

Some 16 weeks later, we found out that their family would grow to include a little boy and another little girl to add to their two older daughters and we began planning our maternity session around her bed rest and intermittent preterm labor.




Very shortly after we snuck in our maternity session, Meredith called me early one morning to tell me her water had broken and shew as headed to the hospital.  I knew that she had been in and out of the hospital for early labor so I didn’t waste a second getting in the car and heading to meet her miracle babies.  Despite a giant traffic back up, I made it to the hospital just 15 minutes after her.



She was laboring hard already, clutching her sweet husband’s hand and being soothed by her amazing mother in law.  Meredith was being strong and brave and had decided she wanted her babies to come naturally and nothing was going to get in her way.





…and come naturally, they did.  A scant hour after we arrived at the hospital, Meredith delivered sweet Lennon – a perfect little image of her beautiful mother.  Six minutes later, little Lawson came into the world hollering and angry – his sister’s water had broken, but his had not.  Everyone in the OR was tickled by his fury at being taken from the womb thanks to his impatient big sister.




Meredith was so strong and calm and self-posessed she was able to cut both cords herself.  No one – not the nurses, the doctor, her family nor I – could believe how effortless and perfect the entire birth was.  If I could have scripted the birth of my own twins – or any of my babies, for that matter! – I would have written it this way.




Lawson, when he finally stopped yelling, proved to be as much a miniature version of his daddy as Lennon is of Meredith.  We were all absolutely delighted by the two pink, bright-eyed, amazing little people that Meredith brought into the world.  Everyone was instantly in love with them and the atmosphere was one of such joy and celebration that I can’t even find the words to describe the happiness.



After getting to snuggle with their amazing mommy and awesome daddy, big sister and little brother had to travel to the NICU, as is common with little guys who come early.  The twins thrived there – growing stronger and healthier each day and finally came home after a short stay at the hospital.  Now, the family of 6 is home together and the two newest members are getting absolutely showered with love and affection by their two big sisters and of course, their sweet parents.




Waiting on their newborn session was excruciating – I wanted nothing more than to snuggle those little balls of adorableness and when it was finally time for them to come to my studio, they did not disappoint – they were just perfect and I cannot wait to show you their session soon!

Even now, 4 weeks after their arrival, I can’t get over how incredible this birth story is.  I love the journey Lennon and Lawson underwent on their way home.  I love the love in this family.  I am so, so blessed to take part in such remarkable moments of people’s lives.

Welcome to the world, Lennon and Lawson!  Thank you for inspiring wonder and awe in everyone whose lives you touch!  You are truly an incredible little duo with a beautiful family and I am so excited to watch you grow!



Your Chattanooga Birth Photographer

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Melody Hood


  1. […] smile) and his 6-minute-older big sister, Lennon!  I am still prone to goosebumps when I recall their birth!  Because they were teeny and a bit early, both kiddos had to spend a little time in the NICU but […]