
Need a Last Minute Christmas Gift Without Leaving Your House? I Got You…

Let’s face it… we all have too much crap….

We have a million sets of lotion/soap/bath salts (the kind you put in an actual bathtub… I hope), bathrobes, gadgets, things we don’t need and will never, ever, use. Things that will be dumped at Goodwill (although I recommend Bethel Thrift Store as it goes to a good local cause) in less than a year or will take up space because we feel bad getting rid of it.

Photographs are something that we keep forever. They are cherished and passed down from generation to generation (provided you actually print them – pretty please!).

If you’re anything like me, the thought of walking in to a store this time of year makes you cringe and it’s too late to order online without exorbitant overnight shipping fees… so, what to do?

A gift card of course… but a gift card that’s thoughtful instead of something generic (though your teens would probably prefer an Amazon card…).

Below are discounted sessions. You’ll receive a printable gift card via email in time for Christmas gifting. You can even email it to someone you won’t get to see. They’ll have an entire year to use them!

Also, we are offering classes for that special person who is receiving a camera for Christmas or who just wants to learn to take better photos in general!

Did I mention that you DON’T HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR HOUSE? Best. Thing. Ever.



1. A dollar amount gift card. You get 10% off (and they’ll never know). Need a different amount? Email us! info@innamorata.com

10% Off Gift Cards




1. Know someone having a baby or someone who just had one? Buy them a baby plan. It includes a discounted session fee for 4 sessions that can be used for any session in an 18 month period.


2. Extended Family Session Session Fee – A session for the whole family. Parents, grandparents, children, pets, whomever you’d like to throw in there!



These sessions are heavily discounted and include digital images (we do include all the good ones so the amount varies).

1. Dating Profile/Social Media Photos (or you can use them for something else!) – This is a 45-1 hour minute session that takes place in and around our downtown studio for a variety of different looks so they don’t all look like they were taken on the same day. You may change outfits as many times as your like and even bring your pets (I’ve been told that having photos with your pet helps get dates). Includes 10 awesome digital images (you may purchase more if you’d like) in full size and web size so you can easily upload them.


2. Discounted Prepaid Sessions that include all edited digital images. (These are for couples, individuals, and immediate family only – does not include extended family portraits).

*Small children typically do not last more than 30 minutes before losing attention,
*Please book a 2 hour session for a newborn unless it is family only.

Discounted Prepaid Sessions

3. Extended Family Sessions – whole extended family + breakdowns of individual families including edited digital images – this is marked WAY below our normal rate. Like way, way, way below.


4. Pet Portraits – this is a 30 minute studio session where you bring your pet for portraits both with and/or without you. Includes all edited digital images.


1. Beginning SLR Class – we will cover lenses, what to purchase, and what to use when, camera functions, which mode to use; what ISO, F-stops, and Shutter Speed do and how to balance them based on the situation. We will cover how to best use natural light, where to place your subject based on lighting conditions, and SO much more. Part of the class will take place at our studio in a classroom setting and we will practice photographing people. The class is interactive, you won’t just sit and listen to a lecture.

Class will take place on Sunday, January 26, 2020 at our downtown studio.


2. How to take great photos with whatever camera that you have. Whether it’s a SmartPhone, a point and shoot camera, a digital SLR, or any other camera you own. This class will cover how to utilize the best light, how to best compose your subjects or even a landscape photo. We’ll discuss many other aspects, questions are encouraged, and we will practice those techniques.

Class will take place on Sunday, January 20, 2020 at our downtown studio.


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Melody Hood